ACT on College Life Program
The ACT on College Life (ACT-CL) program is currently being developed as part of a collaboration with Contextual Change LLC (Drs. Pistorello and Hayes) and University of Oregon (Dr. Seeley). This program is designed for counselors at college counseling centers working with their student clients.
Student Portal Students receive access to a series of ACT-based online self-help sessions (see example screenshots below). These sessions walk students through key concepts and skills in ACT including acceptance, defusion, mindfulness, self-as-context, values, and committed action. Additional components include a toolbox to save and quickly visit target pages/exercises, a communication system that interacts with counselors, and additional online resources. |
Counselor Portal
The counselor portal includes a set of tools for counselors to monitor and support their clients' use of the program. These include: